Iz saradnje patentnog inovatora Svetislava Zivkovica i firme Carp System, tj Bojana Bojanica visestrukog prvaka Srbije i osvajaca 5 FIPS svetskih medalja , pocetkom 2017god, na trziste je izasla nova raketa za prihranu pod nazivom DOT Spod.
Ona je plod dvogodisnjeg razvoja, modeliranja, unistavanja skupocenih 3D modela i ogromne zelje da se napravi uredjaj koji unapredjuje sva postojeca resenja. Iz bogatog takmicarskog i proizvodjackog iskustva zeleli smo poboljsanje svih segmenata upotrebe. Rezultat toga je raketa kojom se manipulise jednom rukom gde vam pri tome ruke ostaju ciste – za razliku od svih postojecih resenja.
DOT vam omogucava veliki domet i preciznost, pri tome, ne tone ako je otkinete. Ovo je posledica tezista koje je na nasem uredjaju u samom nosu ( utovarena hrana ) i plovka u repnom ( zadnjem) delu, sto je radikalna konstrukcijska izmena u poredjenju sa svim postojecim resenjima koja u nosu imaju ili plovak ili mehanizam sto dovodi do destabilizacije projektila.
Jos vaznija karakteristika DOT Spod rakete je da ona otvara pri udaru o povrsinu vode bilo kojim svojim delom sto omogucava tihe prezentacije uz pomoc line clip-a, gde slicne rakete imaju problem.
Dot se vrlo lako vraca posle bacanja bez ikakvog otpora i bez mogucnosti da se umrsi.
Svim navedenim znatno ubrzava proces hranjenja gde vise nema kontakta hrane sa rukama i prljanja ribolovacke opreme, dovodeci komfor ribolovca na visi nivo.
Raketa koja otvara na potres sistema je potresla Evropu!
Potrudili smo se da unapredimo svaki aspekt spodiranja, u sta ce se uveriti svako ko proba nas uredjaj…
DOT Spod Insider Information
Here’s some insider information from first hand:
The development and testing of prototypes lasted 1.5 years with more than 130 made 3D printed prototypes … When this is converted into money that’s pretty serious investment in the development, engineering + etc … so that we did not want to leave something that has flaws. We only wanted to make the product very easy to use with one hand.
- The rocket has a certain “Clearance” which are intentional and allow more sensible point to open the system (no button), so not a rigid structure than the flexible
- The rocket is not diving … easily out of water from 50, 100, 170m
- When pull-out from the water rocket not jumping, she is constant on the surface of the water and returned to a line to you
- When pull-out from the water, string on fishing machine is almost perfect tight and with the same pressure, that is important for re longcast
- Rocket floats so that if the tear is likely that you will, with the help of the wind will provide the opportunity to pick up, or if you want to swim to it 🙂
- We load everything, hemp, sweet corn, pellets, boilies ….
- It is essential that the rocket filled with small empty volume because if you over fill then there is no place to lock off system which is logical.
- Food is in the nose of rocket and that weight is prosecuted and prosecuted forward
- When all this is done of course we not save on the material and we put the best plastic what needs for functioning of the system (according to the information so far, according to our tests, we did not have a breakdown, cracking….) we hope this trend will stay.
- Hatch closing the slide
- When you filled the rocket, close the door, you will feel completely lock, turn the rocket nose down and let the finger, than you are reday to gooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
- This is a rocket with the system and you can not just throw it in the bin and she fills herself, locked up and thrown itself …. Be realistic and familiarize yourself with the product and use it correctly and we think that you will be thrilled.
DOT Spod zastite:
Patent GB2557507; Design: (SRB) 2017/0020, (EU) DM/097 071 ; Trade mark: 2016/1468